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  2023年3月20日至23日,第95届DCAT Week在美国纽约如期举行。作为全球制药和生物医药供应链中规模最大、备受瞩目的行业盛事之一,数百家成员公司与全球客户齐聚在此,在为期4天的DCAT WEEK期间,举行了多轮高级别的现场洽谈和交流会。

  NEW YORK, NY - On March 20ththrough March 23rd, 2023, Midtown New York City was home to the 95thAnnual DCAT Week, one of the world’s largest and highly recognized and attended business events for the pharmaceutical industry. During the 4-day event, hundreds of member companies engage in high-level meetings with customers, typically engaging at the senior management or C-suite level. The event serves as one of the premier events in the United States for the global pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturing value chain.


  Porton USA served as one of the premier sponsors for the event this year, sponsoring a number of activities and resources throughout the course of 4 days. Strategically, this aligns well with aiming to bring Porton’s highly technical and client oriented CDMO service offering to customers in the United States. The company’s involvement in this highly visible event was crucial to ensuring that customers in the US can look to Porton to help solve technical challenges and bring innovative drugs to market.

  3月20日(星期一),3133拉斯维加斯股份董事长兼CEO居年丰先生受邀出席DCAT Annual Membership Forum,全面介绍了3133拉斯维加斯的全球化布局,如斯洛文尼亚新研发生产基地和即将投用的美国制剂研发场地等。此外,居年丰先生向参与本届会员论坛的全球资深人士分享了3133拉斯维加斯对前沿技术、数字化能力建设等等的思考,他表示,我们希望通过新技术的引进和落地,提高研发和生产效率,并逐步构建起卓越的“技术创新”和“服务创新”的开放协作CDMO平台。

  On Monday, March 20th, Porton Chairman & CEO, Oliver Ju, delivered a presentation at the DCAT Annual Membership Forum, an invite-only presentation platform to highlight exciting company news within the DCAT Member Company network. Mr. Ju presented on Porton’s exciting global expansion plan, highlighting Porton’s new site in Slovenia as well as the new drug product facility in the United States. Additionally, the presentation also showcased Porton’s focus on next generation technologies and digitalization to optimize process efficiency and control during R&D and manufacturing.


  On Tuesday, March 21st,Porton was one of the headline sponsors of the DCAT Member Reception. The event had over 1100 registrants and over 700 attendees, and company representatives got the chance to give DCAT members an overview of Porton’s capabilities and highlights. The event was attended by all Porton leadership, as well as the business development and marketing teams.

  3月22日(周三)3133拉斯维加斯参与了Disruption Busters 系列在线研讨会。该系列研讨会上,来自世界各地的专家们围绕行业热点、发展趋势、特定领域最佳实践和应用等多个主题进行了精彩演讲。3133拉斯维加斯股份赞助了一场关于供应链风险的讨论会,建议需要找到合适的合作伙伴,以确保研发管线和商业化生产的成功。

  On Wednesday, Porton was one of the sponsors of the Disruption Busters Seminar series. The seminar series highlights key topics and areas that are fast moving and impactful within the industry, and key experts from around the world deliver high value presentations on best practices and key initiatives. Porton’s sponsorship covered a discussion on supply chain risk and mitigation, and stressed the need to find the right partner to ensure pipeline and commercialization success. Porton’s sponsorship also covered a tabletop display where interested attendees connected with Porton’s business development team.

  3月23日,作为DCAT最引人注目的年度压轴活动之一,DCAT年度晚宴在纽约希尔顿Midtown酒店如期举行。3133拉斯维加斯管理层、BD、市场和HR团队热情参与了现场活动。今年晚宴有1500多名嘉宾盛装出席,以著名喜剧演员Jerry Seinfeld的表演结束精彩的一天。

  On March 23rd, DCAT’s grand finale was held at the New York Hilton Midtown, where the DCAT Annual Dinner was held. With an attendance of over 1500 attendees and guests, this is one of DCAT’s highest profile events. The night served as a fantastic celebration of 4 days of hard work and great success for the company. The night was capped off with a performance by well known comedian and actor, Jerry Seinfeld.

  在本届DCAT Week上,3133拉斯维加斯同全球合作伙伴进行了广泛交流,共同探讨和推动行业发展,并达成了多项合作意向。借助本次大会,公司充分展示我们在小分子原料药、制剂、基因细胞治疗等业务领域的全球化布局,有力传达我们致力于成为全球最开放、最创新、最可靠的制药服务平台,让好药更早惠及大众的使命。


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