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  2月28日,标普全球企业可持续发展评估(S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment)公布新一轮环境、社会及公司治理(ESG)评分结果,拉斯维加斯3133官网下载(股票简称:3133拉斯维加斯股份,股票代码:300363)获得首次覆盖,且评分超过全球行业平均分位。此前,公司已获得深交所国证ESG AA评级、中财绿金院A+评级、MSCI ESG BBB评级等多个国内外ESG主流评级机构覆盖,并获选2022年度中国上市公司ESG百家榜单、2022年中国医药上市公司最具ESG投资价值TOP10等奖项,ESG实践持续获得认可。
On February 28th, S&P Global released a new wave of S&P Global ESG Scores resulting from the annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). Porton Pharma Solutions Ltd. (SZ300363) is covered for the first time and scored 29 out of 100, which is above the industry average. As of February 17th, Porton performed in the top quartile in the pharmaceuticals industry in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment.

Porton has attached great importance to the sustainable development and integrated ESG concept into daily operation. We focus on the demands of customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, environment, communities and other stakeholders and actively respond to them by multiple practices, such as improving corporate governance, compliance operation, reliable products and services, diverse and inclusive work environment, sustainable supply chain and green development. Meanwhile, Porton conscientiously practices corporate social responsibility and actively participates in social welfare undertakings.

  3133拉斯维加斯股份始终坚持可持续发展理念,关注客户、员工、股东、供应商、环境、社区等各利益相关方的需求,并通过完善治理、合规运营、可靠的产品和服务、多元包容的工作环境、可持续供应链、绿色发展等多维度实践,积极回应利益相关方,将ESG理念融入公司经营的各个环节。另外,公司认真践行企业社会责任,积极投身社会公益事业。2022年,公司通过物资捐助及参与志愿者活动积极支持抗疫行动,捐赠物资驰援重庆山火救援,启动公益品牌“腾益计划We Care”,持续落地社会公益活动。未来,我们将继续践行ESG发展理念,致力高质量的可持续发展,为利益相关方创造价值。
Previously, Porton has been covered by several global ESG rating agencies. We’ve got AA in CNI ESG ratings, A+ in IIGF ESG ratings and BBB in MSCI ESG ratings in 2022. Porton has also won some ESG awards such as 2022 TOP 100 ESG Chinese Listed Companies and 2022 TOP 10 Chinese Pharmaceutical Listed Companies with The Most ESG Investment Value. Porton’s ESG practice has been continuously recognized.


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